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"I'm not perfect! Not yet.
But I'm still leagues better than you."
-Weiss to Ruby, RWBY The Emerald Forest Pt.2


MAORA. October 18th. Libra. Asian. Otaku. Sarcastic - Outspoken - a bit Psycho - Dense. Adores music and japanese entertainment. Speak Indonesian, American English and Japanese. Loves to eat rainbow, bunnies, watermelon, popsicle and other cute stuff. I don't bite often so be my guest.

Lovely people!

Let's Exchange!


[VID] Not A Dance Cover
written on January 3, 2015 ✈

First post on 2015! しばらく :D
I'm sorry that I'm so lazy..

Last year,
(approximately 5 months ago)
I did a cover dance video of the most mainstream vocaloid song ever, HAPPY SYNTHESIZER.
I actually refers 'em as odottemita (踊ってみた) 

Aida Riko : PETTO
Momoi Satsuki : Me

So many cool odottemita videos on niconico and youtube and it have been our obsession to do a nice one.
So when we had the time, we immediately did it. We were practicing without mirror so it's not so synchronized haha
The place was a bit dark because of the building position around the park and it was around 4PM already so yeah some scene on the video are so dark. I didn't use any effect while editing. I want to keep it like that :)

We did almost 10 takes without resting for about in just 2 hours... more or less
I don't even correct my wig position omg and now that I watch it my forehead were getting more and more visible. I hate long wig with no bangs... It's hard to move with.

And so sorry for kurobasu fans, our height didn't match the character
But well, it was fun for me :) I want to do it again with another cosplay and another song

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written on July 23, 2014 ✈

This time I won't miss it anymore!
Happy Birthday Sasuke!
So sorry if there's any SasukeHaters reading this (yes this fandom is superb) but you're not going to do anything.
I wonder how old he is now if he's not forever 15 He'll make a damn fine man.

It's sorta embarrassing to acknowledge it but I rlly wanna make something this time on his birthday so I did a quick doodle on my tab. Hell there are no layers like on AI or PS so it's one hell of a coloring. I tried to drew him in normal anime style and turned out a bit girly so I start from scratch and did this instead /huggles/ so here we go~

Drew this with pen-tablet on my Galaxy Note. Kinda difficult...it has no layer!
Plus it's been years since I last draw something.

It was kinda love-hate feeling the first time I saw him on manga and anime. Cool dark handsome and all but his personality strikes me no no. Well, but yeah I immediately had this big big biiig crush on him.
.......until NOW

I don't understand why, even after all his character development from main character to rupporting, from hero to villain, from villain to emotionally unstable kid (hey! He is!), even until this time his intention is....I still like him. Sooo much. Just some heart-break here and there.
I know the sasus**u are so obvious back then and then lately...but I. Can't.
I ship sasunarusasu but honestly I don't want him to ended up with anyone. He better die. I understand he wants to rebulid his clan-NO! Uchiha Sasuke should die!
Gosh I'm so yandere but no, not sorry. I just love him so much it turn me like this......or maybe I'm like this from the beginning. Doesn't matter. Masashi Kishimoto is killing me.

I missed the old Sasuke so much, but I don't hate his now self. I guess I pity him.
Can't even read single chapter without something stir inside my chest it's so frustrating. Ugh.

The biggest 2D crush I had only happened to Uchiha Sasuke, Minamoto Kouji (Digimon Frontier) and Nezumi (NO.6).
See their similarities? Pretty much the same personality and characteristic. I guess it's my fetish or something.
But Kouji stopped. Nezumi stopped. Sasuke not. Maybe yet, I dunno.
Now that I think about it, the though of not liking him anymore makes me sad

So well, I just reveal how much I ship him and this fandom crazy. And the way I'm telling it 's just like telling my past love affairs. It's embarrassing and humiliating but I need to do something about it it's killing me.
I rarely show others of this Sasuke-obsessed side of me but yeah this is what I am /now hides/

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A Little Love for Your Circle Lens
written on July 19, 2014 ✈

For cosplayer, one important component for cosplay is circle lens or contact lens or whatever you call it.
Kinda hard to choose one that suit both our eyes and the character. Cuz we can't always relaying on photoshop
Our eyes is very sensitive even for the smallest dust grazing it. Surely circle lens will eventually damaging our eyes if we didn't take a good care and the hygiene of it.

1) Simmer a decent amout of water (small fire). I use mineral water...the one for drink purpose.
After the water is steamy enough (not yet boiled), put all the lenses in and wait until it's lightly boiled and the small bubbles move the lenses around a bit. If not, stir the water veery lightly to get rid of remaining fat on it. Do not boil too long or it will wrinkle. 10-20 seconds is enough.

2) After that, move all your lenses to a bowl filled with Multi Purpose Oxygen Solution.
Use the store's optician's suggestion but actually any brand will do. All of them are almost the same.

3) Store it on your lens case. Keep it away from direct sunlight.
Don't forget to clean your lens case before storing it. An all-in-one water solution will do the work
You need to periodically change the oxygen solution of your lens, especially on the one you use the most. After changing the solution, shake your lens a little to get rid of the dust and fat that gathered when being used.

Don't hesitate to buy some lens cases,there are soo many cute cases you can easily find. But for me, I prefer to keep it on a transparent case like this since I have around 11 pairs of circle lens.. And I don't want to open it one by one when I need a certain lens. It's just convenient

There is also a travel case to make it more convenient.
I always bring this one to cosplay event.

It's easy to find nowadays too. And so many preferences. They have cute designs ♥
The travel case contains of; lens case, little bottle for your oxygen solution, and a plastic tweezer.
Um I use the tweezer to put the lens to my hand, not to put it on my eyes......well if you're fine with using tweezer to put the contaact lens onto your eyes, then that's.....crazy---no, that's fine

This boiling method actually I used to apply on my 6-months lenses when it's already past their 'expire date'. I found my supposed-to-be-expired lens comfortable again to use after steam/boil it. Then I start to wonder if it really was expired

I hope this useful enough for you

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